21 Common Sales Letter Omissons – Checklist
There are a variety of elements to any direct mail or website sales letter, some of which should NEVER be forgotten. Here’s a handy checklist of 21 elements that should always be present in a sales letter. Check your latest sales letter today to make sure there’s nothing missing.
- No headline on letter
- Not enough benefits
- No P.S.
- No signature, or signature is a squiggle
- Black or other colour than blue signature
- Typeset, slick-looking lift letter
- No guarantee
- Weak teaser or headline
- Exaggerated claims (you must establish credibility)
- Confusing mailing (lots of separate pieces, offer not clear, etc.)
- Copy is too short – not enough reasons to buy
- Copy is boring
- Long paragraphs – should be five sentences or less
- Few or no subheads
- No free bonus
- No close
- Copy doesn’t flow logically from one paragraph to next
- Disrespectful of reader, or presumptuous, “I have no idea what your income is…”, “You’re probably broke right now…”, “I’m guessing you’re pretty cack-handed at DIY just like me…”
- No price testing
- Weak or non-existent bonuses
- Too many type faces, too much fancy graphics.

You Could Be Just One Simple Letter Away From The End Of All Your Financial Worries...
... And If You Enter Your Mailing Address Below I Can Show You Exactly How To Write It!
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