Seriously Making Serious Money!!
The mathematics of making seriously large amounts of money is really very simple.
Ten things to become immensely wealthy.
To become immensely wealthy, easily, you just need ten things:
- A winning idea!
- Miniscule start up costs.
- Low cost overheads.
- A high volume of regular sales.
- Nil inventory and no stock to carry.
- No premises.
- No staff.
- The lowest possible running costs.
- A healthy profit margin.
- The ability to count in big numbers!!
A membership site is the perfect model since it answers each of those requirements.
Be Your Own Boss.
Wouldn’t it be great to run your day – every day – just the way you’ve always wanted? No longer answerable to anyone else’s schedule or ridiculous deadline.
You get up when you want, work only the hours you choose and do the things you want to do.
You work only when you choose to – mostly because you want to – not just because you have to.
You’ve got time for friends, family, your wife, husband or partner, your children and – most importantly – time for you. Time to get your golfing handicap down. Time to get fit again. Time to do as you please, concentrating only on what you what to do – not what someone else is telling you do.
Best of all, you’re not stressed from having to fit everything in at such a frantic pace that you never get to enjoy any of it.
That’s the beauty of running a successful membership site. You can do it easily from practically anywhere. You can run it from home, or move to almost anywhere in the world that has broadband Internet access and you’ll still be able to run your site just as successfully.
And when you are your own boss, most of every £ that you ever make ends up in your bank account – no one else’s!
In itself that is a terrific feeling.
But then there’s also the wonderful feeling you get from knowing that you’ve helped such a lot of people. And you’ll go on helping them for as long as you’ve got a membership site and they remain members.
It’s awesome when you get feedback and you will get regular feedback from your members if you are getting it right.
It simply makes everything worthwhile and it inspires you to do even more. The mistake that most people seem to make is that their understanding of “being your own boss” is an “associated cost” that runs into ridiculous figures. They presume somehow that you have to shell out for a franchise and believe me that is expensive. Then you’re looking at anything from £10,000 up to £250,000 and more. Just to “get started”.
It’s almost as if there’s some shady character in some smoky old office – “someone lurking somewhere” – who is ready to take your money and hand you the title “Own Boss”!!
A few years ago, an old boss of mine told me that when he had started his own business his savings of £40,000 had been consumed by the business in less than a month!
Wow!! I don’t know how many very, very profitable and highly successful businesses I could have helped him set up for that amount of money today. I know that it would be a lot and that he’d still have a handsome amount of change from his £40,000 savings pot!! What has this to do with seriously making serious money?
The point is that being your own boss does not have to cost a King’s Ransom. Not
at all. You can become your own boss very easily and with very little outlay. A
membership site gives you the perfect vehicle to do this, at an extraordinarily low cost.
The perfect business model.
A membership is very nearly the perfect business model. You have exceedingly low start up costs. You’re only looking at:
- Renting a relevant domain name.
- Creating, designing and building a website.
- Hosting the website.
- Buying the appropriate software to run the site, enable you to email out en masse (legally and without causing spam offences) and take regular payments.
- Finding your members.
- Continuously adding and refreshing your site’s content.
There’s practically nothing else that comes close in terms of start up costs. But the most persuasive thing is that there is no inventory. You don’t have to shell out for or carry any stock that could be sitting around for ages while you try to shift it. And of course stock takes up storage and that costs. Running an inventory is a real headache. It sucks up time, resources, management, maintenance and of course profits.
Try running your own furniture cleaning business, mobile car repair business, bathroom refurbishment company, or painting and decorating operation. Take a look at what you’ll be left with at the end of every month when you’ve paid for everything. It is unlikely to be very much and it usually adds up to a lot of effort for very little returns because the income you can generate with these service-based businesses is linked to the number of “sellable” hours in a day. With a membership site, at a stroke you’ve shifted two of the biggest costs associated with any other business – stock and storage.
You don’t need staff because you can do everything yourself and what you can’t do you hire in the relevant expertise to do it for you, as and when you need to on a contract or project by project basis. That means you have no wages to pay when people are idling, on leave, or off sick!
There is something simply wonderful about people paying you every month for the service you provide. And because you’re not carrying inventory or stock, your profit margins are very high — every single month. It is an “Automated Cash Flow” system that pays out every single month.
And it is very dependable revenue. You know how many members you’ve got each month so you can quickly calculate how much money will be flowing into your bank account – even if you don’t sign up any new members.
If you’re charging a few thousand members at say £10, £20 or even £100 a month you are making some very serious money!! And most of it is profit in your pocket.
It’s also very reliable revenue. You don’t have the ups and downs associated with
physical product-oriented business selling DVDs, CDs, or eBooks. With those kinds of businesses, one month you may do £2,000 in sales, but the next month you have no idea what may happen and you may not sell anything at all!
With a membership site, it’s regular and reliable income, month after month and year on year.
How much money will you make?
Well of course, that all depends on how much you charge for subscription to your site and how many members you’ve actually got.
But your income can range from the humble and modest to the incredibly obscene!!
For example – An Illustration of Your Profit Potential
Now that is working on only a small number of members. Imagine the effects if your membership site really takes off…
The point being of course that you don’t need many members to make a really handsome amount of money … every month.
200 members @ £20 a month puts £4,000 in your hands every month and £48,000 in your bank a year.
Just for doing something you love to do! And that’s only working with one membership site. Take those figures and multiply them by two sites, five sites, or even 10 sites!!
As I’ve said, I’ve got business associates looking after 100, 200 and 400+ membership sites and they are making a mint. But they are still enjoying their free time, doing
lots of other things besides work and they are in complete control of everything that happens to them on a commercial basis.
At this point, I have to ask… where does that leave you? I don’t know what you’ll earn from your membership site. I can’t possibly know. Much depends on the subject you choose, how you market it, how many members you sign up and how good you are at keeping things fresh, interesting, relevant and challenging.
But what I do know is that this elegantly simple business model can put more money into your pocket than anything else you’ve ever dreamed about.
If you follow the leads you are being given in this guide, take advice when it’s offered, or when it’s either appropriate or necessary, learn from others, share your ideas and seize the opportunities as they come along, you will succeed. Of that I am certain.
One new member a day
Look at it this way. Working on just one new member a day your earnings start to look like this:
For example – An Illustration of One New Member A Day @ £5
Just look at the difference a few extra pounds can make, working on just one new member a day!! In twelve months, you go from £5,400 in profit, earnings and income to £65,700 – a huge leap of £60,300.
But you’ve actually earned… a staggering £427,120 during the course of the year. Is that impressive… or is it simply incredible?
That’s almost half a million pounds, mostly in pocketable profit, from one membership website that you’ve loaded with content and steered to success, member by member, working on just one new member a day.
Create two membership websites, or a string of successful membership websites and, within a few years, you could be sitting on a truly obscene amount of money, simply for doing nothing that’s anything like work. It’s all about what you enjoy and what interests you.
Now when was that anything like work?
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